Tempered Glass Made in China Stopped The Guinniess World Record Holder
2016-10-21 20:53:49
The record for most panes of tempered glass run through consecutively is 15 and was achieved by Martin Reuben De Jong (New Zealand) on the set of NZ Smashes Guinness World Records , in Auckland, New Zealand, on 24 Jul 2009.

Known in his native New Zealand as a heavyweight kickboxer,professional wrestler and martial artist, Reuben de Jong has had a career-long winning streak.
Unfortunately for Reuben, he failed to break his own Guinness world record when the game was held in China on Oct 06, 2016. He tried to break 17 panes of toughened glass in the game. Each pane of glass is thickness of 5mm. But this time the tempered glass made in china stucked in front him like a steel door. He tried 4 times to break the first glass door, and never break the second one in the nest 20 minutes. The ben through glass story was end public in China.
Nowadays the technique and equipment of tempered glass production line has been the ultimate in the world. We can say that Chinese tempered glass was produced with highest quality standard.
To know more information of our toughened glass, please visit our website: