What's the cleaning methods for frosted glass doors?
Bella Zhang
2016-11-29 18:02:43
The kitchen or bathroom are installed with frosted glass door(nomally in 10mm-12mm frosted glass door, sometimes use 8mm frosted glass to produce glass door) in many people's home, do you know how to clean the frosted glass door?
First, Daily cleaning
1. Modulation glass cleaner (1: 50-1: 80)
2. Soaked the applicator in the bucket of detergent, squeezed to the semi-dry and coated to the glass from top to bottom and left to right.
3. Scratch with a scraper in order with uniform speed to avoid pause or heavy scratch.
4. Each time should wipe the scraper with a rag.
5. Clean the edge of the window frame and wipe the water on the floor.
6. After using the tools, put the tools to tool box.
Note: Each time scratch, should overlap 5-10 cm with last scratch. On scraper, the plastic tape should be 1 cm longer than the stainless steel sleeve.When scraping the scraper blade can not be less than 30 degrees or higher than 75 degrees (45 degrees is appropriate).
Second, some stubborn stains method
1. Slight stains and finger marks, can remove with same amount of vinegar and water.
2. More solid traces, such as cosmetics or toothpaste left in the mirror or glass, can use special glass cleaning detergent to remove.
3. Pattern glass and carving glass can use soft brush to clean. The printing on Newspapers contain solvents, can use to remove stains on the window.
Source from www.sggglassmanufacturer.com